About Paige Phillips

Paige Phillips was born and raised in Wilkes County, North Carolina. After graduating from West Wilkes High School, she went to Wilkes Community College for one year before transferring to Appalachian State University. She is currently studying Psychology with a minor in Communications and is set to graduate in the Fall of 2024.

She has worked for Christie Younger as her assistant since December 2021, which was an opportunity and connection God divinely orchestrated. Paige’s sister-in-law stumbled across Christie’s Instagram story, shared by the local art gallery, that stated that she needed an assistant. She told Paige about it and encouraged her to take a chance and email Christie. After a few emails, they set up an interview time and instantly clicked.

This has been an amazing opportunity for Paige to work for someone who shares her values and diversifies her skills through all of the many facets of Christie’s work. Paige believes that God placed her exactly where she needed to be, which has led to the amazing opportunity to serve Him through helping Fruit of the Vine. In her free time, she loves to hang out with her family, spend time with her friends and boyfriend, get outside, read, play sports, and go to the beach!